BCI NET Dec 94.iso
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Display 39.11 (c) Copyright 1990-1993 Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
Display is a program for displaying IFF ILBM format image files.
V39.x Display supports V39 and 8-bit-per-gun AA graphic modes, but still
runs under 1.3 and 2.0 as long as iffparse.library is present.
(2.04 Workbench's iffparse.library will run under 1.3.)
The Display program can display single pictures, or can present a keyboard,
mouse, or automatically advanced slide show. Display can also be used
to print ILBM graphics.
Under 2.0 and higher, Display supports overscan screens centered based
on the user's Preferences, autoscroll screens, and explicit modeid for
display if desired.
Usage Summary
CLI Usage:
Display [from filelist] OR file [file file...] [opt [mlbpaenvf][t=n][d=x]]
opts: <m>ouse (1 pic: mm) <l>oop <b>ack <p>rint <a>utoscroll <e>hb <v>ideo
<n>otransb <f>it (V39 bestfit) <s>nomonitor <r>nocenter t=seconds d=modeid
WB Usage: Via Default Tool, Extend Select, or text FileList Project
ToolTypes: If FileList: FILELIST=TRUE (Required)
Click toggles bar, CTRL-P prints screen
Close display in upper left, or CTRL/C. CTRL/D to break a script
Displaying a single ILBM file
From CLI:
Display filename [opt [mlbpaenvf][t=n][d=x]] (options explained later)
From Workbench:
either Use the left mouse button to click on (select) the Display
icon, then shift/double-click the ILBM picture file icon.
or single click the ILBM picture file icon then select the
Workbench Icon menu "Information" item. Enter Display as the
Default Tool in the Information requester and Save.
Now double-clicking that ILBM picture icon will automatically
load the Display program and display the picture.
Closing the display:
By default, clicking in the upper left corner or using CTRL-C
will close the display. Other options described later allow mouse
advance, looping, and automatically timed displays.
Displaying multiple ILBM picture files as a "slide show"
Display has the ability to do a slide show. There are several methods
for doing a slide show. Some are more useful for on-the-fly situations,
and others are more suitable for planned presentations.
From CLI: (options explained later)
either Display filename filename [filename [filename...]] [opt options]
or Display from filelist [opt options]
where filelist is a file which contains an ASCII text list
of the ILBM filenames you want to display. A filelist file
can be created with any plain ASCII text editor such as
Ed or Memacs. The contents of an example filelist follows
(assuming you have a directory called Pictures containing
some ILBM graphic files):
Certain per-picture options may also be specified on each
line of a filelist (see Options section later).
From Workbench:
either Single-click on Display, then shift-click the pictures you
wish to display, shift-double-clicking on the last picture.
or Set up a slideshow file as follows:
Create a text filelist as described above and place
the file in a directory accessible from Workbench.
Create a "Project" type icon for the file and save the Project
icon in the same directory as your filelist file, giving
it the same name as your filelist but with ".info" added
to the name. Then select your Project icon (you may have
to Update the window first) then select Information from
the Workbench Icon menu. Enter Display as the Default Tool,
and add the following tooltype: FILELIST=TRUE
Also read about the additional Tooltype options below.
You may wish to add some like MOUSE=TRUE (for a mouse-advanced
show) or LOOP=TRUE and TIMER=seconds for an automatic show.
Advancing the display:
By default, you must click in the upper left corner or CTRL-C to
advance from one displayed picture to the next. However, with simple
options suchas MOUSE (m), LOOP (l), and TIMER (t), described in #3 below,
you can advance and back up using the mouse, and create automatic looping
timed displays. CTRL-D will terminate an entire slide show and exit
From CLI, Display options are specified after the filename(s) by using
the "opt" keyword followed by your options.
Example: Display mypicture opt m
In addition, certain options may be specified on a per-picture basis in
a text filelist for Display.
From Workbench, options are specified as ToolTypes in the icons of the
Display program, or the ILBM file icons, or in the icon of a filelist.
ToolTypes are entered using the "Information" selection in Workbench's
"Icon" menu. (Single click an icon, then select the Workbench menu item).
CLI Workbench Description
=== ========= ===========
FROM filelist FILELIST=TRUE Display the pictures LISTED
in the text filelist file
attached to this icon
(one picture and optional
options listed per line)
m MOUSE=TRUE Left mouse button advances
slideshow, right goes backwards
mm MMOUSE=TRUE Left mouse button advances
slideshow, even if one one
picture is being shown
(i.e. click on picture and
it goes away)
l LOOP=TRUE Rather than exiting after the
last picture, loop back to
the first picture.
b BACK=TRUE Causes pictures to remain as
the back screen, unactivated.
Useful when printing pictures
while working.
a AUTOSCROLL=TRUE If picture is bigger than
visible display clip, enable
autoscrolling - i.e. automatic
scrolling when mouse reaches
edge of visible display
p PRINT=TRUE Cause Display to automatically
print each picture that is
displayed. Note that you can
also print manually by pressing
e EHB=TRUE Treat unspecified (no CAMG)
6-bitplane pictures as Extra
Halfbrite rather than HAM.
n NOTRANSB=TRUE A 2.0 and ECS option. Causes
borders to NOT be transparent
when genlocked.
v VIDEO=TRUE A 2.0 and ECS option. Causes
picture to be displayed with
full-video display clip.
f BESTFIT=TRUE Ignore CAMG modeid if any
and instead let OS decide
best modeid to display in.
s NOMONITOR Crudely strips monitor ID
if any from CAMG
r NOCENTER If picture is larger than Max
Overscan for mode, will place
upper left corner of screen
at upper left corner of display
clip (rather than centering
screen around display clip.
d=hhhhhhhh DISPLAYMODE=hhhhhhhh Ignore CAMG mode id if any
and instead display using
this mode id (where hhhhhhhh
is hex mode id with no 0x or $)
t=seconds TIMER=seconds For automatic advance when
time elapses.
The following options may be specified on a per-picture basis in
a picture icon or in a line of a filelist:
CLI opt Tooltype
======= ========
d=hhhhhhhh DISPLAYMODE=hhhhhhhh
Most other options are global and may only be specified on a CLI
command line, or in the Display icon, or in a filelist Project icon.
- Print three files as a background task:
run Display file1 file2 file3 opt bp t=1
- Display a list of files as a looping (l) slide show, showing each picture
for 5 seconds:
Display from myshow opt l t=5
where the text file "myshow" contains:
path/mypicture2 opt a d=00008004 (extra options for this picture)
- Start a mouse-advance slideshow for a presentation
Display from myshow opt ml
Note - if you put a project icon on the file "myshow", set its
Default Tool to Display, and enter the tooltypes MOUSE=TRUE and
LOOP=TRUE, you could start the same slide show by double-clicking
the Project icon.